Agassiz Speedway Cycling
Individual Pursuit: Two riders are on the track. One rider starts at the main start line the other in the same position on the other side of the track. The race will run for 200m (1/2 lap), 400m (1 lap) or 800m (2 laps) or 1 mile/1600m (4 laps). The race ends if a rider is lapped.
Olympic Sprint: Teams of 3 or 4 riders start together. The lead rider drops off after each lap. Race ends when final solo rider crosses line. 1200m for 3 riders or 1600m for 4 riders.
Elimination (or Devil): Everybody starts as a group. After a set period of time the last rider across the line is eliminated after every lap or every other lap. A variation will be that riders will directed to change the lead on each corner and go from front to back. Riders who lose contact with the group will be considered eliminated (its just training so everybody should know when to quit!)
Flying Starts: The rider will begin at the start line. A bell will ring when the rider completes the first lap. The rider accelerates through the second lap. Timing starts when they cross the line for a second time. They will be timed over 200m (1/2 lap) or 400m (1 lap)
Time Trials: Rider will be timed over fixed distances or will [self] measure their distance covered in a fixed time.
Kilo: A time trial from a standing start over 2 ½ laps or 1 km.